

  • Open qb-core/shared/items.lua file and configure it according to your preferences.

	['burger_veganmushroom'] 			         = {['name'] = 'burger_veganmushroom', 			['label'] = 'Mushroom Burger', 			['weight'] = 100, 		['type'] = 'item',		['image'] = 'burger_veganmushroom.png', 	      ['unique'] = false, 		['useable'] = true, 	['description'] = ''},
	['burgershot_cheesesticks'] 			         = {['name'] = 'burgershot_cheesesticks', 			['label'] = 'Cheese Sticks', 			['weight'] = 100, 		['type'] = 'item',		['image'] = 'burgershot_cheesesticks.png', 	      ['unique'] = false, 		['useable'] = true, 	['description'] = ''},
	['burgershot_fries'] 			         = {['name'] = 'burgershot_fries', 			['label'] = 'Fries', 			['weight'] = 100, 		['type'] = 'item',		['image'] = 'burgershot_cheesesticks.png', 	      ['unique'] = false, 		['useable'] = true, 	['description'] = ''},
	['burgershot_onionrings'] 			         = {['name'] = 'burgershot_onionrings', 			['label'] = 'Onion Rings', 			['weight'] = 100, 		['type'] = 'item',		['image'] = 'burgershot_onionrings.png', 	      ['unique'] = false, 		['useable'] = true, 	['description'] = ''},
	['burgershot_slicepie'] 			         = {['name'] = 'burgershot_slicepie', 			['label'] = 'Slice of Pie', 			['weight'] = 100, 		['type'] = 'item',		['image'] = 'burgershot_slicepie.png', 	      ['unique'] = false, 		['useable'] = true, 	['description'] = ''},
	['cheeseburger_double'] 			         = {['name'] = 'cheeseburger_double', 			['label'] = 'Double Cheeseburger', 			['weight'] = 100, 		['type'] = 'item',		['image'] = 'cheeseburger_double.png', 	      ['unique'] = false, 		['useable'] = true, 	['description'] = ''},
	['cheeseburger_doublebacon'] 			         = {['name'] = 'cheeseburger_doublebacon', 			['label'] = 'Double Bacon Cheeseburger', 			['weight'] = 100, 		['type'] = 'item',		['image'] = 'cheeseburger_doublebacon.png', 	      ['unique'] = false, 		['useable'] = true, 	['description'] = ''},
	['cheeseburger_singlenormal'] 			         = {['name'] = 'cheeseburger_singlenormal', 			['label'] = 'Cheeseburger', 			['weight'] = 100, 		['type'] = 'item',		['image'] = 'cheeseburger_singlenormal.png', 	      ['unique'] = false, 		['useable'] = true, 	['description'] = ''},
	['hamburger_singlenormal'] 			         = {['name'] = 'hamburger_singlenormal', 			['label'] = 'Hamburger', 			['weight'] = 100, 		['type'] = 'item',		['image'] = 'hamburger_singlenormal.png', 	      ['unique'] = false, 		['useable'] = true, 	['description'] = ''},
	['hamburger_singleonionring'] 			         = {['name'] = 'hamburger_singleonionring', 			['label'] = 'Western Hamburger', 			['weight'] = 100, 		['type'] = 'item',		['image'] = 'hamburger_singleonionring.png', 	      ['unique'] = false, 		['useable'] = true, 	['description'] = ''},
	['melt_baconcheese'] 			         = {['name'] = 'melt_baconcheese', 			['label'] = 'Bacon Patty Melt', 			['weight'] = 100, 		['type'] = 'item',		['image'] = 'melt_baconcheese.png', 	      ['unique'] = false, 		['useable'] = true, 	['description'] = ''},
	['melt_classic'] 			         = {['name'] = 'melt_classic', 			['label'] = 'Classic Patty Melt', 			['weight'] = 100, 		['type'] = 'item',		['image'] = 'melt_classic.png', 	      ['unique'] = false, 		['useable'] = true, 	['description'] = ''},
	['milkshake_chocolate'] 			         = {['name'] = 'milkshake_chocolate', 			['label'] = 'Chocolate Milkshake', 			['weight'] = 100, 		['type'] = 'item',		['image'] = 'milkshake_chocolate.png', 	      ['unique'] = false, 		['useable'] = true, 	['description'] = ''},
	['milkshake_cookiesncream'] 			         = {['name'] = 'milkshake_cookiesncream', 			['label'] = 'Cookies n Cream Milkshake', 			['weight'] = 100, 		['type'] = 'item',		['image'] = 'milkshake_cookiesncream.png', 	      ['unique'] = false, 		['useable'] = true, 	['description'] = ''},
	['milkshake_orangedream'] 			         = {['name'] = 'milkshake_orangedream', 			['label'] = 'Orange Dream Milkshake', 			['weight'] = 100, 		['type'] = 'item',		['image'] = 'milkshake_orangedream.png', 	      ['unique'] = false, 		['useable'] = true, 	['description'] = ''},
	['milkshake_strawberry'] 			         = {['name'] = 'milkshake_strawberry', 			['label'] = 'Strawberry Milkshake', 			['weight'] = 100, 		['type'] = 'item',		['image'] = 'milkshake_strawberry.png', 	      ['unique'] = false, 		['useable'] = true, 	['description'] = ''},
	['milkshake_vanilla'] 			         = {['name'] = 'milkshake_vanilla', 			['label'] = 'Vanilla Milkshake', 			['weight'] = 100, 		['type'] = 'item',		['image'] = 'milkshake_vanilla.png', 	      ['unique'] = false, 		['useable'] = true, 	['description'] = ''},
	['prop_burgershotcup_ecola'] 			         = {['name'] = 'prop_burgershotcup_ecola', 			['label'] = 'Burgershot Ecola', 			['weight'] = 100, 		['type'] = 'item',		['image'] = 'prop_burgershotcup.png', 	      ['unique'] = false, 		['useable'] = true, 	['description'] = ''},
	['prop_burgershotcup_sprunk'] 			         = {['name'] = 'prop_burgershotcup_sprunk', 			['label'] = 'Burgershot Sprunk', 			['weight'] = 100, 		['type'] = 'item',		['image'] = 'prop_burgershotcup.png', 	      ['unique'] = false, 		['useable'] = true, 	['description'] = ''},
	['prop_burgershotcup_orange'] 			         = {['name'] = 'prop_burgershotcup_orange', 			['label'] = 'Burgershot Orang-O-Tang', 			['weight'] = 100, 		['type'] = 'item',		['image'] = 'prop_burgershotcup.png', 	      ['unique'] = false, 		['useable'] = true, 	['description'] = ''},
	['prop_burgershotcup_dr'] 			         = {['name'] = 'prop_burgershotcup_dr', 			['label'] = 'Burgershot Dr.Pfeffer', 			['weight'] = 100, 		['type'] = 'item',		['image'] = 'prop_burgershotcup.png', 	      ['unique'] = false, 		['useable'] = true, 	['description'] = ''},
	['prop_cheesestick'] 			         = {['name'] = 'prop_cheesestick', 			['label'] = 'Single Cheesestick', 			['weight'] = 100, 		['type'] = 'item',		['image'] = 'prop_cheesestick.png', 	      ['unique'] = false, 		['useable'] = true, 	['description'] = ''},
	['prop_fries'] 			         = {['name'] = 'prop_fries', 			['label'] = 'Single Fries', 			['weight'] = 100, 		['type'] = 'item',		['image'] = 'prop_fries.png', 	      ['unique'] = false, 		['useable'] = true, 	['description'] = ''},
	['prop_onionring'] 			         = {['name'] = 'prop_onionring', 			['label'] = 'Single Onion Ring', 			['weight'] = 100, 		['type'] = 'item',		['image'] = 'prop_onionring.png', 	      ['unique'] = false, 		['useable'] = true, 	['description'] = ''},

Last updated