OX Inventory
file and configure it according to your preferences.
['beer_keg'] = {
label = 'Keg',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
['cocktail_jigger'] = {
label = 'cocktail jigger',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
['cocktail_spoon'] = {
label = 'cocktail spoon',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
['coconutdrink'] = {
label = 'coconut',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
client = {
status = { thirst = 2000000, alcohol = 175000},
anim = { dict = 'amb@world_human_drinking@coffee@male@idle_a', clip = 'idle_c' },
prop = {model = 'coconutdrink',
bone = 57005,
pos = vec3(0.17, -0.1, -0.06),
rot = vec3(-71.0, 34.0, -14.0),
usetime = 17500,
notification = 'You have satisfied your Thirst'
['cup_moscowmule'] = {
label = 'cup moscowmule',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
client = {
status = { thirst = 2000000, alcohol = 175000},
anim = { dict = 'amb@world_human_drinking@coffee@male@idle_a', clip = 'idle_c' },
prop = {model = 'cup_moscowmule',
bone = 57005,
pos = vec3(0.17, -0.1, -0.06),
rot = vec3(-71.0, 34.0, -14.0),
usetime = 17500,
notification = 'You have satisfied your Thirst'
['glass_baileys'] = {
label = 'baileys',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
client = {
status = { thirst = 2000000, alcohol = 175000},
anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop' },
prop = {model = 'glass_baileys',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.14, -0.03, 0.03),
rot = vec3(258.0, 0.0, 0.0),
usetime = 17500,
notification = 'You have satisfied your Thirst'
['glass_beerbudweiser'] = {
label = 'budweiser',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
client = {
status = { thirst = 2000000, alcohol = 175000},
anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop' },
prop = {model = 'glass_beerbudweiser',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.12, -0.1, 0.07),
rot = vec3(-104.0, -16.0, -11.0),
usetime = 17500,
notification = 'You have satisfied your Thirst'
['glass_beerempty'] = {
label = 'beer glass',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
['glass_beerheineken'] = {
label = 'heineken glass',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
client = {
status = { thirst = 2000000, alcohol = 175000},
anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop' },
prop = {model = 'glass_beerheineken',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.12, -0.1, 0.07),
rot = vec3(-104.0, -16.0, -11.0),
usetime = 17500,
notification = 'You have satisfied your Thirst'
['glass_beernobrand'] = {
label = 'beer glass no brand',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
client = {
status = { thirst = 2000000, alcohol = 175000},
anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop' },
prop = {model = 'glass_beernobrand',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.12, -0.1, 0.07),
rot = vec3(-104.0, -16.0, -11.0),
usetime = 17500,
notification = 'You have satisfied your Thirst'
['glass_beerstellartois'] = {
label = 'stellartois glass',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
client = {
status = { thirst = 2000000, alcohol = 175000},
anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop' },
prop = {model = 'glass_beerstellartois',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.12, -0.1, 0.07),
rot = vec3(-104.0, -16.0, -11.0),
usetime = 17500,
notification = 'You have satisfied your Thirst'
['glass_bluecosmopolitan'] = {
label = 'blue cosmopolitan glass',
stack = true,
close = true,
weight = 10,
client = {
status = { thirst = 2000000, alcohol = 175000},
anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop' },
prop = {model = 'glass_bluecosmopolitan',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.12, -0.08, 0.07),
rot = vec3(-109.0, -16.0, -11.0),
usetime = 17500,
notification = 'You have satisfied your Thirst'
['glass_bluemaita'] = {
label = 'blue maita glass',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
client = {
status = { thirst = 2000000, alcohol = 175000},
anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop' },
prop = {model = 'glass_bluemaita',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.12, -0.11, 0.08),
rot = vec3(-114.0, -21.0, -1.0),
usetime = 17500,
notification = 'You have satisfied your Thirst'
['glass_champagne'] = {
label = 'champagne glass',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
client = {
status = { thirst = 2000000, alcohol = 175000},
anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop' },
prop = {model = 'glass_champagne',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.12, -0.11, 0.08),
rot = vec3(-114.0, -21.0, -1.0),
usetime = 17500,
notification = 'You have satisfied your Thirst'
['glass_greencosmopolitan'] = {
label = 'green cosmopolitan glass',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
client = {
status = { thirst = 2000000, alcohol = 175000},
anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop' },
prop = {model = 'glass_greencosmopolitan',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.12, -0.08, 0.07),
rot = vec3(-109.0, -16.0, -11.0),
usetime = 17500,
notification = 'You have satisfied your Thirst'
['glass_kiwiflight'] = {
label = 'kiwi flight glass',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
client = {
status = { thirst = 2000000, alcohol = 175000},
anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop' },
prop = {model = 'glass_kiwiflight',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.12, -0.11, 0.08),
rot = vec3(-114.0, -21.0, -1.0),
usetime = 17500,
notification = 'You have satisfied your Thirst'
['glass_mojito'] = {
label = 'mojito glass',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
client = {
status = { thirst = 2000000, alcohol = 175000},
anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop' },
prop = {model = 'glass_mojito',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.1, -0.06, 0.03),
rot = vec3(-104.0, -16.0, -11.0),
usetime = 17500,
notification = 'You have satisfied your Thirst'
['glass_pinacolada'] = {
label = 'pinacolada glass',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
client = {
status = { thirst = 2000000, alcohol = 175000},
anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop' },
prop = {model = 'glass_pinacolada',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.11, -0.11, 0.09),
rot = vec3(-114.0, -21.0, -1.0),
usetime = 17500,
notification = 'You have satisfied your Thirst'
['glass_pinkmaitai'] = {
label = 'pink maitai glass',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
client = {
status = { thirst = 2000000, alcohol = 175000},
anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop' },
prop = {model = 'glass_pinkmaitai',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.11, -0.11, 0.09),
rot = vec3(-114.0, -21.0, -1.0),
usetime = 17500,
notification = 'You have satisfied your Thirst'
['glass_redcosmopolitan'] = {
label = 'red cosmopolitan glass',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
client = {
status = { thirst = 2000000, alcohol = 175000},
anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop' },
prop = {model = 'glass_redcosmopolitan',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.12, -0.08, 0.07),
rot = vec3(-109.0, -16.0, -11.0),
usetime = 17500,
notification = 'You have satisfied your Thirst'
['glass_seabreeze'] = {
label = 'Seabreeze glass',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
client = {
status = { thirst = 2000000, alcohol = 175000},
anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop' },
prop = {model = 'glass_seabreeze',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.14, -0.11, 0.09),
rot = vec3(-111.0, -12.0, -2.0),
usetime = 17500,
notification = 'You have satisfied your Thirst'
['glass_shotblue'] = {
label = 'shot blue glass',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
client = {
status = { thirst = 2000000, alcohol = 175000},
anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop' },
prop = {model = 'glass_shotblue',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.15, -0.02, 0.05),
rot = vec3(-111.0, -12.0, -2.0),
usetime = 17500,
notification = 'You have satisfied your Thirst'
['glass_shotgreen'] = {
label = 'shot glass green ',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
client = {
status = { thirst = 2000000, alcohol = 175000},
anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop' },
prop = {model = 'glass_shotgreen',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.15, -0.02, 0.05),
rot = vec3(-111.0, -12.0, -2.0),
usetime = 17500,
notification = 'You have satisfied your Thirst'
['glass_shotorange'] = {
label = 'shot glass orange',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
client = {
status = { thirst = 2000000, alcohol = 175000},
anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop' },
prop = {model = 'glass_shotorange',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.15, -0.02, 0.05),
rot = vec3(-111.0, -12.0, -2.0),
usetime = 17500,
notification = 'You have satisfied your Thirst'
['glass_shotpurple'] = {
label = 'shot glass purple',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
client = {
status = { thirst = 2000000, alcohol = 175000},
anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop' },
prop = {model = 'glass_shotpurple',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.15, -0.02, 0.05),
rot = vec3(-111.0, -12.0, -2.0),
usetime = 17500,
notification = 'You have satisfied your Thirst'
['glass_strawberrysunrise'] = {
label = 'strawberry sunrise glass',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
client = {
status = { thirst = 2000000, alcohol = 175000},
anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop' },
prop = {model = 'glass_strawberrysunrise',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.13, -0.14, 0.11),
rot = vec3(-112.0, -12.0, -2.0),
usetime = 17500,
notification = 'You have satisfied your Thirst'
['glass_summerslushwithvodkablue'] = {
label = 'slush vodka blue glass',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
client = {
status = { thirst = 2000000, alcohol = 175000},
anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop' },
prop = {model = 'glass_summerslushwithvodkablue',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.13, -0.21, 0.13),
rot = vec3(-112.0, -12.0, -2.0),
usetime = 17500,
notification = 'You have satisfied your Thirst'
['glass_summerslushwithvodkagreen'] = {
label = 'slush vodka green glass',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
client = {
status = { thirst = 2000000, alcohol = 175000},
anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop' },
prop = {model = 'glass_summerslushwithvodkagreen',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.13, -0.21, 0.13),
rot = vec3(-112.0, -12.0, -2.0),
usetime = 17500,
notification = 'You have satisfied your Thirst'
['glass_summerslushwithvodkaorange'] = {
label = 'slush vodka orange glass',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
client = {
status = { thirst = 2000000, alcohol = 175000},
anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop' },
prop = {model = 'glass_summerslushwithvodkaorange',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.13, -0.21, 0.13),
rot = vec3(-112.0, -12.0, -2.0),
usetime = 17500,
notification = 'You have satisfied your Thirst'
['glass_summerslushwithvodkapurple'] = {
label = 'slush vodka purple glass',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
client = {
status = { thirst = 2000000, alcohol = 175000},
anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop' },
prop = {model = 'glass_summerslushwithvodkapurple',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.13, -0.21, 0.13),
rot = vec3(-112.0, -12.0, -2.0),
usetime = 17500,
notification = 'You have satisfied your Thirst'
['glass_summerslushwithvodkarainbow'] = {
label = 'slush vodka rainbow ',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
client = {
status = { thirst = 2000000, alcohol = 175000},
anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop' },
prop = {model = 'glass_summerslushwithvodkarainbow',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.13, -0.21, 0.13),
rot = vec3(-112.0, -12.0, -2.0),
usetime = 17500,
notification = 'You have satisfied your Thirst'
['glass_summerslushwithvodkared'] = {
label = 'slush vodka red',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
client = {
status = { thirst = 2000000, alcohol = 175000},
anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop' },
prop = {model = 'glass_summerslushwithvodkared',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.13, -0.21, 0.13),
rot = vec3(-112.0, -12.0, -2.0),
usetime = 17500,
notification = 'You have satisfied your Thirst'
['glass_summerslushwithvodkayellow'] = {
label = 'slush vodka yellow',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
client = {
status = { thirst = 2000000, alcohol = 175000},
anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop' },
prop = {model = 'glass_summerslushwithvodkayellow',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.13, -0.21, 0.13),
rot = vec3(-112.0, -12.0, -2.0),
usetime = 17500,
notification = 'You have satisfied your Thirst'
['glass_tropico'] = {
label = 'tropico glass',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
client = {
status = { thirst = 2000000, alcohol = 175000},
anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop' },
prop = {model = 'glass_tropico',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.14, -0.05, 0.06),
rot = vec3(-112.0, -12.0, -2.0),
usetime = 17500,
notification = 'You have satisfied your Thirst'
['glass_vodka'] = {
label = 'vodka glass',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
client = {
status = { thirst = 2000000, alcohol = 175000},
anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop' },
prop = {model = 'glass_vodka',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.15, -0.02, 0.06),
rot = vec3(-112.0, -12.0, -2.0),
usetime = 17500,
notification = 'You have satisfied your Thirst'
['glass_vodkabannanapineapple'] = {
label = 'vodka bannana pineapple',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
client = {
status = { thirst = 2000000, alcohol = 175000},
anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop' },
prop = {model = 'glass_vodkabannanapineapple',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.12, -0.08, 0.06),
rot = vec3(-112.0, -12.0, -2.0),
usetime = 17500,
notification = 'You have satisfied your Thirst'
['glass_vodkanightlava'] = {
label = 'vodka night lava',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
client = {
status = { thirst = 2000000, alcohol = 175000},
anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop' },
prop = {model = 'glass_vodkanightlava',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.12, -0.12, 0.07),
rot = vec3(-112.0, -12.0, -7.0),
usetime = 17500,
notification = 'You have satisfied your Thirst'
['glass_vodkaorangesky'] = {
label = 'vodka orange sky',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
client = {
status = { thirst = 2000000, alcohol = 175000},
anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop' },
prop = {model = 'glass_vodkaorangesky',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.1, -0.02, 0.06),
rot = vec3(-125.0, -18.0, -28.0),
usetime = 17500,
notification = 'You have satisfied your Thirst'
['glass_vodkapeachbeachpunch'] = {
label = 'vodka peach beach punch',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
client = {
status = { thirst = 2000000, alcohol = 175000},
anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop' },
prop = {model = 'glass_vodkapeachbeachpunch',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.1, -0.02, 0.06),
rot = vec3(-125.0, -18.0, -28.0),
usetime = 17500,
notification = 'You have satisfied your Thirst'
['glass_vodkapineapplecherry'] = {
label = 'vodka pineapple cherry',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
client = {
status = { thirst = 2000000, alcohol = 175000},
anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop' },
prop = {model = 'glass_vodkapineapplecherry',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.06, -0.08, 0.05),
rot = vec3(-108.0, -10.0, -29.0),
usetime = 17500,
notification = 'You have satisfied your Thirst'
['glass_vodkawatermelonlemonade'] = {
label = 'vodka watermelon lemonade',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
client = {
status = { thirst = 2000000, alcohol = 175000},
anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop' },
prop = {model = 'glass_vodkawatermelonlemonade',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.06, -0.09, 0.05),
rot = vec3(60.0, 120.0, 193.0),
usetime = 17500,
notification = 'You have satisfied your Thirst'
['glass_whisky'] = {
label = 'whisky glass',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
client = {
status = { thirst = 2000000, alcohol = 175000},
anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop' },
prop = {model = 'glass_whisky',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.15, -0.02, 0.06),
rot = vec3(-112.0, -12.0, -2.0),
usetime = 17500,
notification = 'You have satisfied your Thirst'
['glass_yellowcosmopolitan'] = {
label = 'yellow cosmopolitan glass',
stack = true,
close = true,
weight = 10,
client = {
status = { thirst = 2000000, alcohol = 175000},
anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop' },
prop = {model = 'glass_yellowcosmopolitan',
bone = 18905,
pos = vec3(0.12, -0.08, 0.07),
rot = vec3(-109.0, -16.0, -11.0),
usetime = 17500,
notification = 'You have satisfied your Thirst'
['pineappledrink'] = {
label = 'pineapple drink',
stack = true,
close = true,
weight = 10,
client = {
status = { thirst = 2000000, alcohol = 175000},
anim = { dict = 'amb@world_human_drinking', clip = 'loop' },
prop = {model = 'pineappledrink',
bone = 57005,
pos = vec3(0.11, -0.05, -0.08),
rot = vec3(94.0, 144.0, 218.0),
usetime = 17500,
notification = 'You have satisfied your Thirst'
['shaker_black'] = {
label = 'shaker black',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
['shaker_bronze'] = {
label = 'shaker bronze',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
['shaker_gold'] = {
label = 'shaker gold',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
['shaker_silver'] = {
label = 'shaker silver',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
['wine_keg'] = {
label = 'wine keg',
stack = true,
close = false,
weight = 10,
Last updated