Ox Inventory

  1. Install Ox Inventory to your resource folder

  2. Locate Ox Inventory folder ox_inventory\data\items.lua

  3. Copy The Config Below, and install pictures inside

['bowl_coldnoodle'] = {
    label = 'Bowl of Cold Noodles', --Item Label
    stack = true,					--Can item Stack
    close = false,					--item closes inventory after use
    --degrade = 240,  				--Removed dashes if you want item to expire after 4 hours/240 mins
    weight = 10,					-- item weight ex:1000 = 1lb in gamag
    client = {
        status = { hunger = 2000000 },
        anim = 'alca',		prop = {model = 'bowl_coldnoodle',
        bone = 18905,
        pos = vec3(0.14, 0.03, 0.0),
        rot = vec3(-16.0, 2.0, 0.0),
    propTwo = { model = 'collection_spoon',
        bone = 57005,
        pos = vec3(0.08, 0.0, 0.02),
        rot = vec3 (-98.0, -222.0, 349.0),
        usetime = 17500,								 --Item use item 
        notification = 'You have satistfied your hunger' --Notifcation, can remove if no need

['bowl_kimchi'] = {
    label = 'Bowl of Kimchi',
    stack = true,
    close = false,
    --degrade = 240,  --Removed dashes if you want item to expire after 4 hours/240 mins
    weight = 10,
    client = {
        status = { hunger = 2000000 },
        anim = 'alca',		prop = {model = 'bowl_coldnoodle',
        bone = 18905,
        pos = vec3(0.14, 0.03, 0.0),
        rot = vec3(-16.0, 2.0, 0.0),
    propTwo = { model = 'collection_spoon',
        bone = 57005,
        pos = vec3(0.08, 0.0, 0.02),
        rot = vec3 (-98.0, -222.0, 349.0),
        usetime = 17500,
        notification = 'You have satistfied your hunger'

['plate_calvi'] = {
    label = 'Plate of calvi',
    stack = true,
    close = false,
    weight = 10,
    --degrade = 240,  --Removed dashes if you want item to expire after 4 hours/240 mins
    client = {
        status = { hunger = 2000000 },
        anim = 'alca',		prop = {model = 'plate_calvi',
        bone = 18905,
        pos = vec3(0.14, 0.03, 0.0),
        rot = vec3(-16.0, 2.0, 0.0),
    propTwo = { model = 'alcaprop_fork',
        bone = 57005,
        pos = vec3(0.14, 0.02, 0.01),
        rot = vec3 (-118.0, 192.0, 24.0),
        usetime = 17500,
        notification = 'You have satistfied your hunger'

['plate_calviwithbone'] = {
    label = 'Plate of Calvi w/ Bone',
    stack = true,
    close = false,
    --degrade = 240,  --Removed dashes if you want item to expire after 4 hours/240 mins
    weight = 10,
    client = {
        status = { hunger = 2000000 },
        anim = 'alca',		prop = {model = 'plate_calviwithbone',
        bone = 18905,
        pos = vec3(0.14, 0.03, 0.0),
        rot = vec3(-16.0, 2.0, 0.0),
    propTwo = { model = 'alcaprop_fork',
        bone = 57005,
        pos = vec3(0.14, 0.02, 0.01),
        rot = vec3 (-118.0, 192.0, 24.0),
        usetime = 17500,
        notification = 'You have satistfied your hunger'

['plate_meat'] = {
    label = 'Meat Platter',
    stack = true,
    close = false,
    --degrade = 240,  --Removed dashes if you want item to expire after 4 hours/240 mins
    weight = 10,
    client = {
        status = { hunger = 2000000 },
        anim = 'alca',		prop = {model = 'plate_meat',
        bone = 18905,
        pos = vec3(0.14, 0.03, 0.0),
        rot = vec3(-16.0, 2.0, 0.0),
    propTwo = { model = 'alcaprop_fork',
        bone = 57005,
        pos = vec3(0.14, 0.02, 0.01),
        rot = vec3 (-118.0, 192.0, 24.0),
        usetime = 17500,
        notification = 'You have satistfied your hunger'

['plate_oxtongue'] = {
    label = 'Plate of Ox-Tongue',
    stack = true,
    --degrade = 240,  --Removed dashes if you want item to expire after 4 hours/240 mins
    close = false,
    weight = 10,
    client = {
        status = { hunger = 2000000 },
        anim = 'alca',		prop = {model = 'plate_oxtongue',
        bone = 18905,
        pos = vec3(0.14, 0.03, 0.0),
        rot = vec3(-16.0, 2.0, 0.0),
    propTwo = { model = 'collection_chopstick',
        bone = 57005,
        pos = vec3(0.14, 0.02, 0.01),
        rot = vec3(-118.0, 192.0, 24.0),
        usetime = 17500,
        notification = 'You have satistfied your hunger'

['bowl_cucumberkimchi'] = {
    label = 'Bowl of Cucumberkimchi',
    stack = true,
    --degrade = 240,  --Removed dashes if you want item to expire after 4 hours/240 mins
    close = false,
    weight = 10,
    client = {
        status = { hunger = 250000 },
        anim = 'alca',		prop = {model = 'bowl_cucumberkimchi',
        bone = 18905,
        pos = vec3(0.14, 0.03, 0.0),
        rot = vec3(-16.0, 2.0, 0.0),
    propTwo = { model = 'collection_chopstick',
        bone = 57005,
        pos = vec3(0.14, 0.02, 0.01),
        rot = vec3(-118.0, 192.0, 24.0), 
        usetime = 17500,
        notification = 'You have satistfied your hunger'

['longplate_kimuchiset'] = {
    label = 'Long Plate of Kimchiest',
    stack = true,
    --degrade = 240,  --Removed dashes if you want item to expire after 4 hours/240 mins
    close = false,
    weight = 10,
    client = {
        status = { hunger = 2000000 },
        anim = 'alca',		prop = {model = 'longplate_kimuchiset',
        bone = 18905,
        pos = vec3(0.14, 0.03, 0.0),
        rot = vec3(-16.0, 2.0, 0.0),
    propTwo = { model = 'collection_chopstick',
        bone = 57005,
        pos = vec3(0.14, 0.02, 0.01),
        rot = vec3(-118.0, 192.0, 24.0), 
        usetime = 17500,
        notification = 'You have satistfied your hunger' 

["kbbqtable"] = {
    label = "Kbbq Table",
    weight = 1,
    stack = true,
    close = true,

["kbbqtable2"] = {
    label = "Kbbq Table #2",
    weight = 1,
    stack = true,
    close = true,

["kbbqtable3"] = {
    label = "Kbbq Table #3",
    weight = 1,
    stack = true,
    close = true,

["bowl_sauces"] = {
    label = "Kbbq Sauce Bowl",
    --degrade = 240,  --Removed dashes if you want item to expire after 4 hours/240 mins
    weight = 1,
    stack = true,
    close = true,

["bowl_radish"] = {
    label = "Kbbq Radish",
    --degrade = 240,  --Removed dashes if you want item to expire after 4 hours/240 mins
    weight = 1,
    stack = true,
    close = true,

Pictures Needs Updated

Last updated